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I Think I’ve Got IT!

Well, I had it for a brief moment. Thank goodness I lived on a farm for 20 years. I learned to temper my frustration by accepting that maintenance takes the most time. By spending more time filling tanks, sharpening blades or replacing bolts than I spent mowing, I learned to slow down and take one […]


Happy Valentine’s Day!

My favorite memory of Valentine’s Day is a white paper sack that I carefully decorated when I was a second-grader. I cut out construction paper hearts, added stickers, and doused the whole thing with glitter. It was for collecting Valentine’s cards from my classmates and friends. It was filled to the top, and I felt […]


Be Happy, Be Vibrant…A Preferred Life Practice!

1. Plan: During the dark, cold days of winter it’s easy to lose sight of our health goals. Keep your goals in mind with clear intention and effective strategies of staying on your personal health-building track to greet the New Year looking and feeling your best. 2. The Power of Positive Persistence: Many of us […]