Happy Valentine’s Day!

My favorite memory of Valentine’s Day is a white paper sack that I carefully decorated when I was a second-grader. I cut out construction paper hearts, added stickers, and doused the whole thing with glitter. It was for collecting Valentine’s cards from my classmates and friends. It was filled to the top, and I felt so happy, so wealthy, so cherished.

Today, that white paper sack is figurative, not literal. And my happiness isn’t tied to those cards (though I still love receiving them in the mail and online). Today I measure Valentine’s Day by the relationships of those I love, and those who love me. And, even on tough days, these relationships make me feel wealthy.

How is it for you? Is this Valentine’s Day rich with sweet memories, or is the day more emotionally-charged with ambiguity or challenge? Do you have a special sweetheart, or are you looking for ways to love yourself more sweetly? Does your Valentine’s Day celebrate your “gal-entines” too?

Little kids’ first loves. Adolescent crushes. Flirtation. Romance. Commitment. Whatever Valentine’s Day brings you this year, treat yourself to a sweet indulgence. Here’s my favorite treat, decadent chocolate, paleo friendly brownies. Happy Valentine’s Day! Double Dark Chocolate Brownie Recipe

Posted in Emotional Health, Food and Nutrition, Goodies on 02/14/2017 07:18 am

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