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Food as Sacrament – repost from Tending the Healthy Hearth 4/4/2010

Whether patriotic or religious, food takes center stage at the celebrations of life. This makes infinite sense when you stop and consider that life, itself, is that which we celebrate. From the Seder to the Eucharist food represents the nourishment beyond nutrition to spiritual sustenance. The table set with the sacred calls us to be […]


Passionate About Food – repost from Tending the Healthy Hearth 3/31/2010

I love food. Pleasure, social engagement, entertainment, and comfort– these are high on my list of joys. And I love the physical nutrition that keeps this body o’mine functioning. I also like to make food. Once I was tall enough to reach the stovetop by standing atop a kitchen chair, I was cooking. Creating delicious, […]


Welcome – repost from Tending the Healthy Hearth March 31, 2010

Moving, moving, moving through life. We’re all doing it and quickly, I might add. Two years ago my fast moving life put on the brakes and I found myself with a blow-out. My coma was an eye-opening experience, when my eyes did finally open. Health was gone and my life seriously at risk. Had I […]


Happy New Year

As the new year dawns late tonight, it’s time to clear the plate and start fresh. A fresh start is always welcome to those over the age of 10. Take a look at what has worked this year; the blessings accrued and how you contributed to such an outcome. Then what’s next is up for […]



It all comes down to what it is we choose. A frighteningly powerful statement to be sure. So much easier to have some great object of blame for life’s tradgedies. But I’m convinced that particular school of thought has more to do with denial that true gentle, flowing progress. Ease sometimes requires walking through the […]


Dare to Be Well

DARE TO BE WELL Fostering Health in an Age of Degeneration An unprecedented rise in degenerative disease, record breaking statistics of obesity and diabetes and dismal forecasts of improvement along with insurance debates puts Health Care in daily news and medical journals alike. The fresh, bright voice of health scientist, Dr. Deborah Kern is a […]


What? Not Again!

     Resistance! What an almighty struggle this double-edged sword poses for me. What is this I am fighting and why do I continue to put forth so much energy against myself in so many ways?      Fear — that ever lurking primitive presence that seems so remote from the elaborate structures of this modern day. There are […]


Today Is Extra

     “Practice dying frequently” is family therapist Carl Whitaker’s advice on living fully. Throughout the 25 years that quote has been posted on my bulletin board, I’ve revised my interpretation of it from time to time. After having a foot in the grave, I’ve revised it once again.      Awaking from a coma, in a foreign hospital, […]


Prelude to a Beginning

Here it is the end of May. Class is out; the stage crossed. Awards bestowed. Anthems played. All in past tense. To come are brides to be kissed. Father’s to be honored. Flares to fire off. And here I am in-between. Watching the sunset Exhaling, then, What comes next, the inhale. Somewhere betwixt back then, […]


Haf’ta Share

     When I was a very young child I remember being told that I “HAD to share”…. even when I didn’t want to. Regardless of my own inclinations to hold onto my precious possessions, my parents knew best, of that I am sure. So, sharing was the social requirement. Yes, I was very young.      It was […]