Happy New Year

The New Year always promises to be a special time for me; I love beginnings.  Being a start-up kind of person, I’m charged by the creative process whirling around before the real work begins.   Clean slates and fresh starts offer time for dreaming, visioning and setting the course for navigating through our next segment of life.  I think of it as revisiting innocence, a window of time when pristine grace bathes us fresh and clean.

Last night the best of friends gathered to celebrate this new time, punctuating what is past and discussing what comes next as our shimmering relationships of many years, thread the times together beautifully.  Celebrating our moments with cooking, eating, playing and clapping together, we had a blast.  Each of us committed on paper that which we chose to leave behind with 2010 and sent spent traits and practices into the fire, transforming them into fuel for brightness and warmth in the days to come.

Life Practice has a new face in this New Year.  Crisp and raring to see my posts more often, thank you, Bill McCarley.  Soon Life Practice will include a new section, Kitchen Therapy.  It’s an educational endeavor including cooking classes that are gluten-free and low-glycemic with an emphasis on convenience to promote more in-home family eating by using weekly protein themes.  This is the year!!!   Since what happens in the kitchen has a far-reaching effects on life: health, mood, families, friends and finances, it seems a good fit.

A Handbook for Dealing with Everyday Narcissists WILL be completed this year.  As it gets its finishing touches more unexpected events are sure to follow.  Stay tuned, more to come on this short, but robust publication.

Acknowledging the gifts former years have bestowed, I am profoundly grateful for my health.  I find invaluable, the support I receive through Usana and Team Northrup, which also has a spanking, brand new website that is top-notch.  Thank you, Kate Northrup, your shining authenticity shows through.

And, to my clients, old and new, past and present, thank you for teaching me and allowing me to participate in your lives.  May the New Year hold you gentle.

Do you have a map for Year 2011?  How do you mark time from year to year?  I’m curious, post a note with what helps you get your year going your way…

Posted in Uncategorized on 01/01/2011 07:03 pm

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