Wanna Reset for Summer?

I LOVE it when Dr. Deb Kern leads a sugar buster bootcamp! This gal has the complete low-down on our bodies, stress & sugar, and the pleasure-full path out of the doldrums.

The 5 DAY SUGAR BUSTER BOOT CAMP includes a 5 Day sugar cleanse kit and phone coaching with the health scientist who dares us to listen to the wisdom of our bodies. It all kicks off Monday May 23 thru Friday May 27 (but register no later than May 13).

Are you ready to kick those crazy carbohydrate cravings and get your body ready for bathing suit, graduation and wedding season? Join this program to help you get off the stress-sugar-weight gain roller coaster once and for all.

What the Sugar Buster Boot Camp is:
• A five day high-fiber sugar cleanse in which you supplement your diet of fresh veggies with delicious protein smoothies, bars and nutritional supplements
• 3 coaching support calls with Dr. Deb Kern
• A guidebook to help you be successful on the cleanse and also help you begin living a low-glycemic lifestyle
How to join:
• Email me at tmoody@lifepractice.net
• Write “Sugar Buster Boot Camp” in the subject line
• I will then contact you for payment & shipping info to order your sugar cleanse kit ($111.05 plus shipping and tax)

* Reduce sugar cravings so you crave healthy food
* Release excess weight (fat and water)
* Increase your energy level
* Learn how to time low glycemic meals and snacks to prevent hunger and cravings
* Receive phone coaching from Dr. Deb
* Receive one-on-one support from me
* Average weight loss in the 5 days is 4- 5 pounds
* Sleep like a baby while your body detoxes
* You may choose to continue with the Releasing Fat Program, phase 1 or 2, depending on your health goals

How it works:

– You email me that you are interested in participating. Please give me your phone number and a good time to reach you. I will then order your 5 DAY SUGAR RESET KIT and send all your handouts and materials so you are ready to begin. The RESET KIT has all your meals, snacks and supplements – except for the veggies you’ll be enjoying – for the 5 days.
– You will receive the call-in number and password for the 3 support coaching calls (which will be recorded in case you cannot attend live.)
The cost is the cost of the 5 DAY RESET KIT at $111.05 plus shipping and tax. Phone, email coaching and handouts are at no extra charge.

** Your order needs to be received no later than Friday, May 13th in order for the kit to arrive in time for you to participate.

All you have to lose are sugar cravings and excess weight!

Here are two happy Sugar Busters:

“I did the RESET in August and have lost 50+ lbs, blood sugar and A-1C are normal, cholesterol is normal, MD is cutting back my meds and I feel great. Still on Phase I and losing!”
– Michigan

“The RESET program was the perfect jump start I needed to develop a new discipline in my life. I was always on top of healthy eating and exercising. But my weakness and coping mechanism was drinking wine on a regular basis. We’ve all been told and read the health benefits of drinking wine so I told myself it was okay. I like to eat out with friends as well as entertain at home and wine was always included at dinner. Even though I was eating good and didn’t eat sweets the belly fat was accumulating and the pounds were adding up. I always had a high metabolism but at 46 years old I was for the first time faced with going on a diet. I had nice clothes that didn’t fit. The choice was to lose the weight or buy a new wardrobe.
I heard about the RESET cleanse and decided to go for it. What I couldn’t get over was how it reallydid take the cravings away for sugar. What I realized afterwards was that I was craving sugar and getting my fix from drinking wine. I never thought of wine as sugar going into my body. In the first month after the cleanse I lost 5 pounds and still losing. I decided it was okay to drink wine on occasion when out but don’t keep it in my home so the temptation isn’t there.
I travel on a regular basis and use the shakes and bars as a healthy meal replacement versus succumbing to airport/airplane food. It’s like keeping a security blanket in my travel bag.
I credit the RESET cleanse in giving me the boost I needed to get going in the right direction.”
 – Houston, TX

Posted in Uncategorized on 05/10/2011 04:22 pm

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