Starting the New Year with Commitment

Are you ready to change your relationship with your body and with food in 2013?
Are you ready to be the change you desire in your life?

If you answered “YES!” to either of the above questions, please consider making the commitment and joining the 12-week RESET Challenge: Destination Transformation

Starting January 7th, I will be sharing the tools, resources & systems I have to HELP YOU transform your body, your lifestyle, energy & outlook for real, lasting change.

You will have MORE than enough tools to support your weight management & fitness goals with real-time connection, abundant support, & meaningful resources from me, USANA Health Sciences (, Kathy Kaehler (celebrity trainer and USANA spokesperson), Dr. Karen Wolfe (, and many more…

Important Note – WHY NOW?
I want to be clear that the 5-day RESET program is available all year long. In fact, a group experience is offered once a month, and you have heard me talk about the benefits of using RESET as a jumpstart to a low-glycemic lifestyle.

What makes this opportunity different is that USANA is offering some great incentives to help people kick off the New Year.
1. Specially priced and packaged products that make it easy to plan for a 12-week commitment.
2. Over $200,000 in prizes for losing, including 30 grand prize trips to Sanoviv Medical Spa in Mexico.
If this sounds good to you check out the details below.

*specially packaged products from USANA Health Sciences at a HUGE discount
*RESET Week: three live calls with Dr. Karen Wolfe
*the Jumpstart Cleanse Guide
*access to resources
*access to for sharing & tracking progress (plus the opportunity to win prizes)
*weekly email support from me
*weekly 30-minute one-on-one coaching with me
*Create the Body Your Soul Desires, by Dr. Deborah Kern & Dr. Karen Wolfe

PRIZES: Once you’ve registered with me, you’ll ”opt-in” at There you’ll upload beginning photos, track your weekly weight, get more support, etc. Based on your entries (more details on, USANA is giving away 30 grand prizes that include a trip to Sanoviv Medical Institute in Mexico, flight vouchers, health training, and a photo shoot with styling. Other prizes areTBA.

VALUE: Compare with thousands of dollars worth of written resources, personal coaching and products, there are three different packages starting at $319.95 (plus shipping/handling).

– email me today to get signed up!
– ask a friend/spouse/significant other to buddy up with you!
– mark your calendars from January 7th through March and get ready to Be the Change!

Let me know how I can support your health and wellness goals. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Posted in Uncategorized on 12/28/2012 03:07 pm

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