Happy New Year
As the new year dawns late tonight, it’s time to clear the plate and start fresh. A fresh start is always welcome to those over the age of 10. Take a look at what has worked this year; the blessings accrued and how you contributed to such an outcome. Then what’s next is up for grabs. “What do I want” being the most noteworthy consideration.
What desires will get addressed this year? When 2011 rolls around how do you and I want our lives to be different than today? What will it take to make that happen? How do we stop ourselves from realizing our dreams?
Join me tomorrow at 11:00 CST for “Mindful Connections” on KDRPlive.org as we continue our discussion on the process of change and how to realize those changes in the new year.
Happy New Year!!! May this be the best one yet.
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