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5-day Carb Cleanse with Tina and Dr. Deb Kern

Wanna join me in a 5-day carb cleanse?

I figure if Dr. Christiane Northrup recommends it and Julia Roberts used it to slim down for her role in Mirror, Mirror, it’s good enough for me!  Seriously, I’ve actually read the clinical trials and have experienced this cleanse before, so I know that it absolutely helps people get rid of their carb cravings – and most people lose 4 – 5 pounds in the first 5 days.

Here’s the scoop:

The Benefits

  • Lose 4-5 lbs in the first 5 days, and 5-15 lbs total after 28 days
  • Increase your energy during the day
  • Have more restful sleep during the night
  • Learn to control cravings, hunger and mood swings by balancing your blood sugar
  • Achieve a more healthy, glowing complexion from detoxing and proper nutrition
  • Save money on your grocery bill
  • Remove blood sugar spikes from consuming high glycemic foods (These spikes can encourage arterial inflammation)

What You Get

  • 5 Day Sugar Buster RESET Kit  (5 full days of food, no stimulants, no hunger) – valued at $110
  • Three LIVE group coaching calls with Dr. Deb Kern (recorded for you) – valued at $180
  • Two LIVE individual coaching calls with me. Valued at $120
  • Sugar Cleanse Guidebook with many resources – valued at $20
  • Daily emails during your 5 day Sugar Cleanse – valued at $30
  • 1 month supply of Dr. Christiane Northrup’s top pick for vitamin/mineral supplementation to help you maintain your healthy weight – valued at $42.50
  • 4 Weeks of Sugar Buster Makeover Content, delivered online via e-book, and recorded coaching calls with action steps- valued at $189
  • Resources to make this a lifestyle (not a diet), recipes, meal planning ideas and more!  Priceless

Total Value:  $691.50

Your Cost:  $143 (+ s & h)

Your Savings:  $548.50!

If you want to join me, let me know to save your spot because I am limiting this group to 8 people.  Simply email me TMoody@LifePractice.net and we’ll team up.


  • RSVP by September 6: Your kit must be ordered by September 6th in order for you to start the cleanse with the group on September 17th.
  • 1st Coaching Call, September 16: We will begin with a pre-cleanse coaching call on the evening of September 16th
  • Monday – Friday, Sept. 17 – 21:  5 day cleanse

Mark your calendar for group coaching calls (*you will receive links to the recordings in case you cannot attend live)
Sunday September 16, Wednesday Sept. 19 and Friday Sept. 21
8 pm ET, 7 pm CT, 6 pm MT, 5 pm PT

Who it’s for

This cleanse is for anyone who wants to get a jump start on a healthy eating plan or wants to break carbohydrate cravings

Who it’s NOT for

This cleanse is NOT for anyone who wants a crash diet or is allergic to soy or whey.

If you have gluten allergies, like I do, give me a call and we can devise a gluten-free option for you.  tmoody@lifepractice.net


Success Stories

I have a 17 year old son who was very overweight. When I found these products he was in rehab from a torn ACL so could do very little cardio, but was working with a personal trainer and hadn’t lost a pound. Nine months later, drinking a shake EVERY day and taking his vitamins and supplements, he has lost over 50 pounds, is in great shape, and looks and feels fabulous.
— Robert , Chiropractic Physician

I am down approximately 12 lbs as of today. I was having hot flashes prior to the carb cleanse. I am no longer having them. My periods had stopped in November and I starting having hot flashes in January. Thank you,

The shakes and bars along with the supplements are the best thing. I don’t have my cravings anymore because I am not spiking my blood sugar. My energy is back and I am on target with my weight loss. Ordering from the web site is very easy. Thanks for all you help now and in the future.
— Cheryl, USA

My husband and I started on Nov 21st, 2009 and it has been effortless and truly a miracle. While doing the CARB CLEANSE I have had no cravings. My husband lost 23 pounds and I lost 19 in 6 weeks, and that was during the holiday season! I did go off the program on xmas evening and xmas, and still lost 2 pounds that week! Now when I go to work, I have my shakes and bars and I’m not even tempted by the food there. I will be staying on the program until I reach my goal of losing 50-60 pounds, and then I’ll maintain my weight with one shake & one bar a day from then on. It’s been so easy, I’m confident I will reach my goal soon. Losing this weight is helping me regain control of my health in many ways. Recently, with the consent of my doctor, I stopped taking one of my diabetes medications! I never thought I would be one of those people to say “if I can do this, anyone can do this,” but it’s true…”
— D.S., Oncology RN

After a diagnosis of Type II Diabetes I was told I could only eat 2000 calories a day. All of this after 55 years of eating and drinking what I damn well pleased, and whenever I wanted. The first two weeks of my new existence was fraught with lots of time thinking about how hungry I was and never seeing my blood sugar drop into the range of 80-100 mg/dL. My Doctor just told me to keep making the right food choices, and things would get better. They didn’t. Then I discovered your SUGAR BUSTER PROGRAM. I started the CARB CLEANSE on Sept 28th and I haven’t looked back since. My blood sugar has been within my prescribed range since about day 4 of the cleanse. That in itself was monumental…and then something else happened: I lost about 6 pounds my first week. Since my diagnosis September 3rd, I have lost 30 pounds and 4 inches off my waist. My confidence in these products is such that I know my blood sugar readings will be within range 2 hours after any shake I drink, and I don’t find myself getting hungry two hours later. Thanks to the two of you, I feel like I have my diabetes under control and my life is in my hands once again.
— Bob

I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the program. Before the CARB CLEANSE I was eating fairly healthy and working out daily. I would often go extended periods of time without eating because of my schedule and was heavily dependent upon coffee and caffeine to pick me up throughout the day. I gave up caffeine on January 1st when I started the CARB CLEANSE and I have never felt better. I did not experience the headaches or any of the symptoms I experienced in the past when I quit drinking coffee. The sugar cleanse was wonderful! I am eating low-glycemic meals and snacks now and find that I have more energy than before. I was able to sustain my workouts and training throughout the program and look forward to training for the half-marathon I am running in September. Although weight loss was not a goal of the program for me, I lost 3 pounds last week. Thanks so much for the program and the support materials you have provided. I am going to recommend this program to several of my clients who are struggling with weight loss.

Tammy, Manager of Employee Health & Wellness

Posted in Uncategorized on 09/01/2012 03:54 pm

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